Cardinal Musings with Jane Barton

Welcome to Cardinal Musings with Jane Barton!

Jane W. Barton Season 1

Today, I'm delighted to invite you to my virtual kitchen table for a chat! I grew up discussing the Cardinal issues of life with my family around the kitchen table—and I continue to do so.  I’ve considered launching this podcast for the past 2 years. So why now? Perhaps it’s because of our collective experience of COVID-19—a tragic and traumatizing situation that has refined our focus on what truly matters in life. The global pandemic is the cosmic 2X4 to the head that has awakened us to what matters most—the things of Cardinal importance. So, let's take advantage of this wake up call. Let's choose to muse about what truly matters instead of obsessing on the minutia of life. 

Curious as to the topics of conversation? Rest assured, the overarching themes of aging, caregiving, and the end of life present a myriad of concerns for musing. What does it mean to age well? How do we answer the call to care for family and friends? Why is change so hard? How can we become more resilient? Why are we scared to death of death? How do we grieve? Who are we called to be? What are we called to do? How does faith shape our experience of life and death? These are just a few of the questions we'll consider as we muse about the Cardinal issues of life around our virtual kitchen table. So, pour a cup of coffee. Settle into your favorite chair. Take a deep breath. It's time to chat!